Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Awesome With A Chance Of Bliss
Today's forecast is awesome with a 100% chance of bliss!
Don't forget to bring your smile with you when you leave the house today.
You wouldn't want to be caught in a "BLISS-ard" without it now, would you?
Thursday, June 7, 2018
A Mindful Moment
I shined the light on the shadow and the shadow disappeared. This would be a great song lyric.
It reminded me of being in Nevada as a young girl, standing at the Nevada state border, where a few steps over was the state of California. And we thought it was hilarious to step back and forth saying, "I'm in Nevada, I'm in California, I'm in Nevada." We laughed so hard about this.
This is the same thing that happens when standing at the border of Truth & shadow/conditioning. I'm in Truth, I'm in Shadow, I'm in Truth. Let us not be confused. Embodying Truth sets us free, embodying our shadow keeps us in bondage. Shine the light of Truth on the shadow and the shadow disappears. It’s not ignoring the shadow, rather, it is seeing it and embracing it with the eyes and heart of pure love, without embodying it.
Today I choose the Truth regardless of how enticing and seductive the shadow and conditioning may be. The Truth sets me free and I jump for joy with great glory and victory. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
#AWorldThatWorksForEveryone #TheGlobalVision #100YearsOfScienceOfMind #MindfulMoment #ShineYourLight #Hallelujah #Victory
Thursday, January 4, 2018
I Say YES To My Good!
I move through this day with great jubilation, giving thanks for the many blessings in my life, both seen and unseen. This is my choice.
The more good I see, the more good becomes available to me. I find the good everywhere.
As I name my good I see all around me I feel deep appreciation for all that life is.
I also understand that there are invisible blessings on their way which I don't even know about yet. Wow!
This fills me with great joy as I am steeped in possibility while anticipating my good.
Awesome With A Chance Of Bliss
Breaking news...this just in: Today's forecast is awesome with a 100% chance of bliss! Don't forget to bring your smile with y...

Breaking news...this just in: Today's forecast is awesome with a 100% chance of bliss! Don't forget to bring your smile with y...
I was invited to a party this evening to safely view the Venus transit which is said to occur between 6 PM and 9 PM. I am excited about...